Set Goals in Produce8

Recover Your Time by Setting Goals in Produce8

Ryan McGinnis, VP Marketing
2 min read

You already know that Produce8 can help you understand where your time goes in your day, and how long and how often you engage with every app you use. But now we have taken it up a notch and we can help you set goals for the changes you want to see in your day.

Produce8 Create a Goal Google Sheets

Realize the Intentional Workday

With Produce8 Goals, you can now set targets for your app usage and personal insight metrics. Whether it's 'screen time,' 'digital workday' length, or capping the number of times you open Microsoft Teams, you're in control of your digital journey.

👀 Establish daily or weekly minimum and maximum for time spent viewing apps, or on the number of interactions and average duration of your app views.

📈 Establish minimum and maximum daily and weekly targets for personal insights - screen time, digital intensity, focus, and working hours.

Your Goals are Personal

But remember, Goals are a personal affair so nobody else will know about your Goals or how you're progressing except you. So if you're hoping to spend more time in your CRM, less time in Slack , or capping those endless workdays, Produce8 Goals can help reinforce the changes you are trying to make.

Who can use Goals?

For now, everyone can dive into the world of goal setting. Goals will be accessible to all PRO users and, for a limited time, to FREE accounts as a beta feature.

How Does Goal Setting Work?

You can add a goal straight from your home page and you can edit them or remove them at any time.

Produce8 Create Goals

All of the goals you have created and your progress against them will show up on your home page.

Produce8 Your Goals

You can click on them to see the daily and weekly metrics with the goal highlighted.

Produce8 Digital Working Hours Goals

We are also sending you progress updates on your goals into your daily summary email.

Produce8 Goals Recap from Yesterday

Regain Control of Your Workday with Produce8

Produce8 Goals is designed to help you craft a more intentional workday, your way. Set your Goals, break your limits, and achieve your aspirations! Don't wait — start your journey to success with Produce8 Goals today! 🌟🏆🎯

This new feature in Produce8 was built by: Andrew, Gavin, Michelle, Brandon, and Jordi.

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